Question: Can you tell me about the New Member Orientation?
Answer: The new members orientation takes place every month except August and December. (See Schedule) They start at 8:30 AM and usually go until about noon. The schedule breaks down into the following sections:
- New Candidates turn in their completed, signed hard-copy applications, show their license (if they have one) and pay an initiation fee and dues for the year that they are joining.
- The President of the club welcomes you and has some brief comments.
- Considerable time is spent going through the rules of the club. Each candidate is issued a rule book.
- The candidates are broken into groups (if necessary) and are taken for a tour of the club property, all of the ranges, club houses, etc…
- A short test is given at the conclusion of the orientation. Those who have gun permits will be given a magnetic security access badge which will give them access to the club 24/7/365. Those who do not have a license, but are applying for one, will be given a letter made out to their licensing authority (the police) stating that they have applied for membership, attended our New Members Orientation, and have been provisionally accepted as members pending their presentation of an LTC or FID card.